Speaking of sleep, I had THEE weirdest dreams last night! I remember the same thing happening when we did the Reset last year. Bizarre, very vivid dreams. I guess it's part of the detoxification process. Crazy, right? Our 4yr old came in our room saying he was having nightmares at 2am. I vaguely remember telling him to grab his blanket and pillow while I grabbed a papasan chair cushion for him to sleep on in our bedroom - I was knocked out! I think I pretty much slept through all of it, and hubby didn't even wake up when he came in our room. I can tell we are sleeping much deeper than usual. I suffer from insomnia. I wake up in the middle of the night often and it effects my energy levels and mood the next day, so this is pretty big for me. :)
I woke up at 5:20am without an alarm and with energy! I just started reading the book, Miracle Morning, yesterday...so, I felt inspired to wake up at 5:30am and see how productive I could be! I checked in with my challengers in my online accountability groups, wrote a blog post, got the kids ready for school, packed my 7yr old's lunch and helped her with a spelling review, cleaned our entire house, made our Day 5 breakfast, and put on my workout clothes...all before 8am. Hubby said, "you're wayyy too over the top for ME this morning" lol. He's feeling groggy today like I was yesterday.
So, basically, I feel great today! Hoping this continues throughout the day!
Today's Breakfast: One of my favorite recipes during the Reset - Farina (cream of wheat) with diced apples, walnuts, and maple syrup. Hubby said he was much happier after eating it. Comfort food. <3
And, didn't skip yoga today :) I never thought I'd like yoga, and I'm clearly still a beginner, and some of the moves are a little uncoordinated and uncomfortable, BUT I love that I can FEEL the endorphins after the workout is over. Or, maybe that's just that my body is much more in tune to endorphins now that it's rid itself of caffeine, processed foods, and other toxins.
The 3 Week Yoga Retreat is a beginners program (try it HERE for free), and I'm a beginner (in Yoga), so don't critique my poses :p
Lunch today: Suprise! Tacos lol. I thought yesterday was the last day of tacos, but I guess I was wrong. We were supposed to eat the quinoa salad, but last time we did the Reset, that was one of the meals we made and just couldn't eat! We still had some rice, beans, and corn prepped, but we had to dice new tomatoes and onions since organic veggies don't last very long in the fridge! I am sick of tacos at this point, but I added some avocado and made the best of it. Food = fuel, right? ;)
Cheers with our "green juice" - Alkalinize - not yummy. lol
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Alkalinize reduces the acidity within the body - CHEERS! |
4pm rolled around, and my energy crashed! It's also my time of the month, so I kinda want to eat the whole house! A snack was 100% necessary today. And, I added 1tsp of maple syrup even though I was supposed to add cinnamon...because, like I said, it's my time of the month - so, I'm doing my best! ;)
It's funny how much happier and patient I am after I eat ;) #nolongerHANGRY
Tonight's Dinner: Stir fried veggies with brown rice and miso soup. Hubby and I are both pretty OVER rice, but we are sticking with it! :)
Stay tuned for my Day 6 post...
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