Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Ahhh the weather is changing, and the holidays are coming!  Soft sweaters, boots, skinny jeans, pumpkin spiced latte's, holiday baked goodies...oh my <3
If you've been following my Ultimate Reset journey (I updated Facebook with my post-Reset progress photos HERE), you know before I started I was struggling to lose about 15lbs.  While I'm all about a healthy lifestyle, sometimes life gets in the way, and even those of us who are pretty consistent with our nutrition and exercise can fall off track a bit.  

For me...I work from home, so I live in yoga pants - let me tell you how DANGEROUS it is living in yoga pants...the weight CREEPS up on you. Dun dun dunnnnnn. 

We live in Florida, so the weather isn't cool yet, but our kids are taking ice skating lessons, and it's CHILLY in there.  When I went to put on my skinny jeans for the first time this fall...I wasn't a happy camper.  They were tight and uncomfortable, and I have to admit...I was a little stressed thinking about the upcoming holidays, parties, holiday desserts, and possibly packing on MORE weight.  

I decided to nip things in the bud NOW instead of going through the holidays and feeling terrible during the new year - we want to feel our BEST going into the new year, right?  I know I do!!

While I did make some progress last month (lost 10lbs and 1 pant size), I have a pair of GOAL skinny's that still have the tag on them, and they are just dying for me to wear them (without a muffin top hanging over - bleh!) ;)

So, with all of that being said...let me introduce this month's Online Health and Fitness Accountability group:



  • Resist Halloween / Sugar temptations.  "I will not eat my kids' candy...I will not eat my kids' candy" - haha seriously.  I have the biggest sweet tooth
  • Make sure I'm drinking enough water throughout the day - sometimes this is the missing component for weight loss.
  • Create a Weekly, Balanced Meal Plan along with a Simple Grocery List for myself and my Challengers so we all know exactly what to eat to get the best results - no guessing.
  • Start reading / listening to "Miracle Morning" and start implementing a morning schedule that will help me reach my goals and help me live a more balanced life.
  • Make sure I take a little "ME" time so I don't BURN out and want to quit.

I love to invite all of YOU to join me - added accountability for YOU, and also added accountability for ME! :)  Just because we are going into sweater season (and sweaters HIDE everything) doesn't mean it's time to forget about our goals.  Trust me, when Christmas and New Year's Eve come around, and you're able to wear something cute and you FEEL amazing...you will thank me <3

My Upcoming "ROCK YOUR SKINNY JEANS" online accountability group will be starting on OCTOBER 17th.  We will open this group within our secure Online Challenge Tracker App (for iPhone or Android).  

We will spend a few days going over your mindset before we officially begin our Challenge.  We will set realistic health and fitness goals.  I will help you choose a workout for your Challenge based on your fitness level that will help you reach these goals.  We do offer workouts with modifications if needed.

My goal as your coach will be to teach you about clean eating, and I will provide you with sample weekly meals plans with tailored grocery lists so you know exactly what to grocery shop for, exactly what you're eating for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks, and simple recipes for all of these ingredients.  I will teach you how to make healthier choices of the foods you already love, tips on how to handle cravings for sweets, night time snacking, how to deal with Halloween and CANDY, how to make healthier choices at restaurants, and how to handle when LIFE happens!

  • I must be your Coach by creating a FREE account HERE.
  • All challengers must commit to a Beachbody workout
  • (Optional) 3 Day Cleanse to jumpstart weight loss.
  • All challengers must commit to replacing a meal OR snack with a dense superfood shake.  Please do not confuse this with a protein shake.  While Shakeology does contain protein, comparing it to a regular protein shake is like comparing apples and oranges.  They are completely different categories.  Shakeology is made from quality ingredients: superfoods, vitamins, probiotics, antioxidants, to name a few.  It is equivalent to having 5 salads worth of nutrients which will help you get all of the nutrients you need while following a healthy, (possibly) lower calorie nutrition plan.  As a coach, this let's me know your nutrition is on point, and you're not missing any important nutrients needed for your body to function at it's best and for you to get the results you signed up for - especially if your life is anything like mine.  Shakeology has saved my life on the days I'm super busy with the kids and need something healthy in a pinch!

Each day, you can expect me to SHOW UP within our daily accountability group - I will post a daily post each morning to either keep you motivated, hold you accountability, give you tips and tricks to help you stay on track, and share healthy recipes and snacks with you.  You will feel the sense of community, and most likely walk away not only with more confidence and results...but also with new friendships <3

Are you in??  I'm accepting 10 Women for this Group.  Please Apply ASAP if you'd like to be considered as a challenger for this group.

Let's ROCK those SKINNY JEANS this fall ladies <3

Fill out my online form.

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